Friday, 24 April 2020

Once More Unto The Turret

Dear Shakespeare Tower Residents

Below is a communication, just received, from the Barbican Association concerning the redevelopment of a Turret on the Aldersgate Street frontage of the estate. The House Group will be submitting an objection against the planning application.
Every objection has equal weight in the eyes of the City of London, so an objection from a resident’s association is equal to that of a single individual! Consequently, I urge all of you who object to the proposed alteration to the fabric and thus look of the estate to send in an individual objection. The more the merrier in my view.
Copies of this notice will be available from the Concierge, so you can get the web address and e-mail.

Dr A D Wilson, Chairman ST House Group

From the Barbican Association
Dear BAGC Members
I should be grateful if you would forward this email to residents in your building so they can have their say about the plans to convert the 'Turret', above the Indian Restaurant on Aldersgate Street, into a flat. These plans have been resubmitted for planning approval because the prior plans cannot be implemented before their planning approval expires.
City Officers advise that "... the proposed scheme is unchanged from that previously approved. The previous approvals are material considerations but representations can still be made. If there have been changes in circumstances, e.g. changes to policy ... in the locality this might mean the proposals have a different impact."
In terms of a change of policy, I would suggest that the introduction of our Conservation Area in 2018 is exactly that. Further, a Councillor advised that the prior planning vote was close at 11 to 8 so it is possible that this application may not be approved. 
or by emailing quoting the reference 20/00272/LBC
prior to 12 May.
Those in favour are, of course, welcome to share their perspective.
Thanks and regards
(Hon Sec BA)