Barbican Estate Office Reception: 020 7029 3958
Sheila Delaney, House Officer: 020 7029 3911
Shakespeare Tower Porter: 020 7029 3927/ 07789 272 675
Defoe Car Park: 020 7029 3939/07785 372 131
Repairs Reporting Line: 020 7029 3909
City of London police control room (24 hour): 020 7601 2222
Bishopsgate police station (24 hour): 020 7601 2606
Barbican Estate police station (office hours only): 020 7601
Noise complaints: During business hours: 020 7332 3630
Urgent noise complaints outside office hours, call the Guildhall
switchboard: 020 7606 3030
Barbican Centre switchboard: 020 7638 4141
Barbican Salvage Store: to donate original fittings, or
enquire what they have in the store, call Martin Brady on 020 7638 9967 or
Cynthia White 020 7638 2645
NHS Doctor: Neaman Practice, 15 Half Moon Court, London EC1A
7HF 020 7600 9740